Flexible Assembling System Pty Ltd

Flexible Assembling System Pty Ltd is part of the CEH Group of companies with Pumas Automation and Robotics Singapore being our parent company. We are the authorised distributor of SPG Electric Motors, Koganei pneumatic equipment, Myotoku Convum Vacuum Equipment, Nitta Moore Tubing and Fittings and other automation products. We provide direct sales and industrial automation solutions to customers throughout Australia. We can also supply other products for replacement under the brand Mitsubishi, Oriental Mot


The domain au.pumasautomation.com presently has a traffic classification of zero (the lower the higher page views). We have crawled five pages within the web page au.pumasautomation.com and found two websites referencing au.pumasautomation.com.
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Pumas Automation Robotics Pte Ltd

PUMAS AUTOMATION and ROBOTICS PTE LTD. Established in 1983 in Singapore, Pumas is recognized as the leading supplier and control system engineering company in Asia Pacific region providing a broad array of high performance industrial automation products and control system solutions. Over the years, Pumas has expanded its network in the region and it now has more than 40 offices located in Australia.

P T Flexindomas

Linear Motion Guide, Mitsubishi. PLCs, inverters, industrial robots and servo system, Oriental Motor, Nitta Moore.


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I found that the main root page on au.pumasautomation.com took zero milliseconds to come up. I could not detect a SSL certificate, so in conclusion our web crawlers consider au.pumasautomation.com not secure.
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0 sec


Flexible Assembling System Pty Ltd


Flexible Assembling System Pty Ltd is part of the CEH Group of companies with Pumas Automation and Robotics Singapore being our parent company. We are the authorised distributor of SPG Electric Motors, Koganei pneumatic equipment, Myotoku Convum Vacuum Equipment, Nitta Moore Tubing and Fittings and other automation products. We provide direct sales and industrial automation solutions to customers throughout Australia. We can also supply other products for replacement under the brand Mitsubishi, Oriental Mot


The domain had the following in the web page, "In collaboration with Pumas Automation, we are able to execute upgrading projects of PLC, inverters and control system for plants." I analyzed that the web site stated " Over the years, Pumas has expanded its distribution network and it now has about 40 overseas offices located in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam providing better access to our customers." They also stated " Melbourne Office Ph 03 9548 9144." The meta header had pumas as the first search term. This keyword was followed by automation, robotics, and singapore automation which isn't as important as pumas. The other words they uses is robotics singapore. pumas automation is also included and could not be understood by search engines.


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